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Street Outreach & Education

While we live in a time where hateful, negative rhetoric regarding Muslims is on the increase both in tone and frequency, we found ourselves, American Muslims, obligated to speak out and to defend our religion through education and fact check lies and assumptions that are surrounding us. American Muslims have to show that Islam is not just a religion, it’s an amazing way of life, based on truth & facts. There are over a billion Muslims across the globe. Muslims come from every nationality, race ethnicity and all walks of life. Muslims are united in their belief in one God, prophets of God and the final word God of which is the Holy Quran.

The Quran instructs believers to: "Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. For your Lord knows best who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance" (16:125). Nonetheless, it is mandatory to know that the fate of each person is in Allah's hands, so it is not up to us to "convert" others to the faith of Islam. The goal of outreach and education, then, is merely to share information, and to ensure better understanding.

ICNA Colorado has launched it’s new activity of street outreach and education. ICNA outreach team strolled Colfax street in Denver, CO to answer people's questions about Islam and Muslims, and and to clarify many misconceptions they may hold. The best way to learn about Islam is to speak to a Muslim and to meet one. Less hating and more educating is our slogan, and it is only through love, tolerance, and connection we can build resilience and peaceful society.

© Copyright 2023 by ICNA Colorado

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