ICNA Sisters - Welcom to Ramadan event
Welcome Ramadan 2021
Please join ICNA Sisters Colorado in our Welcome Ramadan Event, hosted via zoom on Sunday April 11th @11am MT. This event is for sisters only please, and we kindly ask you to register ahead of time http://bit.ly/raicnasismdan2021 Agenda 1. Why Do We Fast?: The Revelation and Principles of Fasting 2. Dealing with Differences 3. Revitalizing Ramadan and Nutrition
Zoom Link
Topic: Welcome Ramadan - ICNA Sisters COlorado Time: Apr 11, 2021 10:45 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96665365046?pwd=WWRPalNNa2txQXRTZ2lMQUw1cDh1dz09 Meeting ID: 966 6536 5046 Passcode: 770906